History proves that some things never change. God gave language to Adam. There are many evidences of this in the second Chapter of Genesis. But, the most striking of these, is Adam’s naming of the animals. (Gen. 2: 19-20)
History has proven that the noun as a part of speech, exists
in every language developed since Adam. All the principles of Metaphysics
are found realized in Grammar: nouns, verbs and all their modifiers are
but the names of the things that exist – that have essential natures, that move
and that are known to us by their quantities, qualities, relations, time,
place, clothing, posture, agency and receptivity. It is by the nouns,
verbs and their modifiers that we record, orally or in writing, the
intelligibility of things, and it is by seeking out and describing their causes
– Efficient, Final, Material and Formal that we analyze the reality that
surrounds us. Metaphysics is grammar in action.
But Logic is something else. Logic is Reason on the
Rational Reflective Mind of man, imposing its own innate or created Order upon
the given language. Not until Aristotle was there even such a thing as
the “science”, or better, the art of right reasoning in language.
Aristotle’s” Organon” gave to the world the only true art of reasoning.
And notice that the subject and the verb correspond, not so much to the
Metaphysical Substantial Form, but more properly to the subject of the logical
proposition or sentence. It is because Aristotle himself went on to
develop the Science of First Principles or the Metaphysics that this latter
science of Being, as such, escaped being overwhelmed by the Logic of Propositions
or Right Reasoning in and by means of the grammatical, proportional
sentence. The fact remains, however, that the historical record of all
languages however much the philologists and linguistic love to emphasize the
changes – the historical record clearly demonstrates the absolute stability,
the unchanging fact that nouns signify real things in the real world, (unless
it is clearly indicated that the references are fictional), that verbs signify
actions or motion, and that all modifiers correspond to the nine categories of
Accidents, by which the mind knows the Substantial Form or the Genesis kind
specified in Genesis One.
All of Reality, in its diverse structures and forms,
manifests this stability and immutability of certain forms, not only the bara
min., created kinds of Genesis One, but certain natural laws, such as those
inscribed in the human conscience and codified in the 10 Commandments;
but also those supernatural laws that are so marvelously spelled out in the
Prophecies of the Old Testament.
See The Preparation of the Incarnation by Henry James
Coleridge – reprinted 2013 - originally published in 1885, and for the
unmistakable distinctions of Grammar from both Logic and Metaphysics. See
Gwynne’s Grammar, by N.M. Gwynne Knopf. 2014