In my Catholic Cosmology, the Body of the Universe has no soul. And yet, as a substantial form, the first substantial form and the first secondary cause, it performs all the functions of a substantial form, the main one of which is to dictate and govern the functioning order of the elements in their natural, inanimate state, that is, before they enter into a living form and come under the dictation and governance of a living plant, animal or human substantial form. And so it is fair to ask: What takes the place of the "soul" of the body of the universe? What or Who is responsible for the majestic order we observe in the celestial bodies and in such phenomena as the lines of force that constitute earth's magnetic field?
I think there are only two possibilities, and I cannot yet decide between them - though I favor the first. I believe that the angels, in their nine celestial choirs, have each been appointed as God's special delegates and, as in some mysterious way, mirroring the elements, to govern and preside over, keeping the order of each celestial body in its special sphere. After all, the angels are very much a part of the created universe. They are so much the top of the hierarchy of being as to be out of sight for us, and thus not mentioned in Genesis 1-3, except in the person of their fallen leader, Lucifer, who brought about the fall of our first parents. So you see how very much a part of our world the angels must be! John Milton summed up a great deal of tradition in his epic poem, Paradise Lost. And, although not all of it is trustworthy, it does show us how much knowledge of our real ancestry we have lost. For it is not amongst the primates we are to search, but rather amongst the Canaanites and their descendants - dispersed from the Tower of Babel - especially into the Near East and Egypt. The only other source for the order we see amongst the elements in their inanimate state is God Himself. And it is said that of all the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, only St. Jerome favored this position.
And so there it is.
The Protestant Creationists of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) - are so far ahead of all other scientists - especially so-called Catholic scientists, in providing emperical evidences for such problematic issues as predation and parasitism after the Fall, and the adaptations to such severe habitats as the arctic penguins. Did you know that the penguins have a special anti-freeze glycoprotein in their blood? Did it evolve, as the evolutionists will tell you? No, it did not. Our Catholic science refers to the higher principle of potency and holds that those flightless birds, the penguins, had in their gene pool, the potency for that special protein which automatically "kicked in" when the ecological conditions so required. Too glib?
Read Acts and Facts, ICR’s free publication, for the up-to-date research on all such “disputed questions”.
Kyrie, Eleison.
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