In an early work, THE KINGSHIP OF CHRIST, according to the
principles of St. Thomas Aquinas, (1931), Father Dennis Fahey, a Holy Ghost father
who died in 1955, explored the "real history of the world", and found that this real,
true history of the world is the account of the acceptance or rejection, by the
world, of God's plan for the restoration of the Divine Life. In other words, it is
the story of God's undoing of the awful consequences of Original Sin, taken in
conjunction with man's response to God's overtures...(page 33). This acceptance or rejection of God's plan for order can be most accurately gauged by the degree to
which any particular culture or community not only refuses to hinder, but positively works to favor the attaining of man's final end, - union with God in His
inner supernatural life. (pg.37)
This does not mean that the
world of culture becomes like a monastery. It does mean, however, that the world's
customs and entertainments, it's serious businesses and even it's
wars, are characterized more by virtue than by vice, or by the encouragement of what leads to virtue, - such as prayer, rather than by what leads to
Father Fahey cites the world of Medieval Europe as having
exemplified, probably, the closest any society could come to being "the best of
all possible worlds" - inasmuch as in Medieval Europe "the State then grasped the formal
principle of ordered social life in the actual world - and in which an institution
such as the Inquisition - or any similar police force for keeping "law and order" -
was set up to defend the hold of the world on order against the fomentors of
disorder", (page 38) And, of course, the given principle acccepted by all was that man
in society, redeemed by Our Lord, is not able to live as God wants him to live - unless
he acccepts the supernatural and supra-national Catholic Church - the one true Church
founded by Jesus Christ our Lord. It is only in and from this one, holy, Catholic
and Apostolic church, that people find the sources of the interior life, from
which proceed the external forms of a culture. But the modern world has turned
aside from order and is suffering for its apostasy and disorder. (page 39). This
great truth needs to be proclaimed unequivocally. And today we must begin with
the restoration of truth in the natural sciences, because there is no theology,
but only an abstract or sentimental fideism, without a true foundation in the
natural sciences.
The medieval world possessed such a sound foundation in
its Geocentric Cosmology. Cosmology, which defines the Structure of the Universe
and the fixed centrality of earth, is the necessary essential of the entire
body of knowledge we know as the Natural Order. It is this natural order upon
which Grace builds the entire edifice of the Supernatural Order of Divine Grace -
producing the Elect and those beacons of light for us, the Saints. Any
historian who omits in-depth consideration of the relations between the natural
sciences and theology, will not give us true or reliable history. It was first
Copernicus - and then his popularizer, Galileo, who first cut the
umbilical cord binding the natural sciences to Theology - by way of Holy
Scripture . Without the guidance of the theologians of the Church, the natural
sciences were bound to go astray, and so they did. The end result is precisely
what the encyclical Pascendi describes as the subjugation of faith to science - a science falsely so called, (1 Tim. 6:20). This is a crime of the greatest magnitude - the
synthesis of all heresies - overturning in men's minds the very hierarchy of
It is true that Father Fahey himself never focused on the
relation of science to theology as indicated in Pascendi (1907). His focus was
the deep disorder introduced by Luther's erroneous doctrine of Grace, in effect making
prayer meaningless - and his emphasis upon the individual - making the concept of
the common good meaningless. And so it has been with all historians following
Father Fahey. The emphasis has been upon the social order and its concomitant
political and social disorders coming down from the sick heads of state. It has
been left for the secular historians such as Arthur Koestler, Thomas Kuhn and
Alexandre Koyre, with a host of others, to focus on the Copernican Revolution
and its far-reaching effects on all aspects of culture and civilization. I appeal especially to Arnaud de Lassus, Father Paul Kramer, Dr. John Rao - and all
who write about our current crisis of faith, to turn their scholarly efforts
towards what appears to be a great conspiracy of silence, forbidding the
exposure of "the operation of error" (2 Thess. 2:10) - which has overwhelmed
the natural sciences in all their disciplines. Pascendi warned us of
modernisms "Law of Evolution" - whereby everything - the Church, her Dogmas - her Worship - Her Sacred Scriptures, even her Faith itself - must change or die. (#26). This is
the lie upon which modernism is based.
This "synthesis of all heresies" - can only be confronted
and combated and eventually overcome and destroyed beneath Our Lady's heel - buy a
synthesis of all truths - which is the deposit of faith. Nothing new
is needed in this battle. On the contrary, it is all there in the First Article of
the Creed:
The existence of God as Creator of heaven and earth. We need only to make
these truths shine forth in all their real splendor.
Kyrie, eleison.
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