Monday, January 7, 2013

Final Part of The Material-Formal Cause of the Body of the Universe

Finally, two more important points. One being that fermions, the family of particles to which the electrons belong, have proven impossible to discretize. This is a very strong factor in favor of the basically electrical nature of the substance of the body of the universe. The second point would be that fermions have a very special property and that is chirality. It concerns the spin and force of the electronic particles/waves. In biology, chirality is called handedness. It is a core feature of the standard model of physics. Tong says nothing of chirality being peculiar to living forms. But he concludes his article with these words:

"The standard model, based on three interlinking forces, seems to be an arbitrary construction. It is only when thinking about the chiral fermions that its true beauty emerges. It is a perfect jigsaw puzzle, with the three pieces locked together in the only manner possible. The chiral nature of fermions in the standard model makes everything fit together." (p.49)

But what of the famous Higgs Boson, the so-called "God-particle"? - David Tong says:

"The building blocks of our theories are not particles but fields: continuous fluid-like objects spread throughout space. The electric and magnetic fields are familiar examples, but there are also an electron field, a quark field, a Higgs field and several more. The objects that we call fundamental particles are not fundamental. Instead they are ripples of continuous fields." (p.49)

The fact that particles mutate into other particles when they interact also challenges the basic nature of particle-matter rather than continuous matter. But the problem is solved when one sees the substance as continuous, electric in nature and as substance containing the physical and probably mathematical laws that govern all the mutations and interactions of the atomic structures which are discrete and accidents both proper and less than proper, of the higher substance - the body of the universe. There is much more to be said about this subject, even from this one very provocative article and its references.

I beg all Catholic scientists seriously to consider this application of Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysical principles to the major problem of modern physical science. For how much longer can the Large Hadron Collider in Cern, Switzerland, go on smashing protons in search of an ultimate particle to explain all the other particles? Such a search is in vain. The only thing that can explain the marvelous order and unity of atomic actions, reactions and interactions is some higher material substance: the first of all created beings: the universe, a "marriage" of heaven and earth, the one body of the world we inhabit with angelic beings who preside over the celestial bodies surrounding our earth and also with the Principalities and Powers - especially who have special guardianship of our earth with its empires, nations, cities, towns and villages - even hamlets like Fatima.

This is the universe over which Our Lady reigns as Queen with Jesus Christ - Word of God - Her Son and Our King - May They be blessed forever!

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