Monday, January 21, 2013

Forgotten Truths - Part One

Most notable and important differences between Genesis and the Apocalypse:

Genesis, from Chapter One to the end of 2nd Machabees is plain, literal-historical narrative. This style-genre - form does not preclude the existence of Types - signifying figures and events to take place in the Ages of the Church, since all of the Old Testament is but a grand , detailed preparatory drama - true history in preparation for the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. It is/was for this one central event of all history that the Jewish people were chosen to give physical generation to the Messiah - Redeemer - Second Adam, and to Mary, Mother of God, the second Eve. And for this, that the synagogue was pre-destined to foreshadow and concede by fulfillment, the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. St. Peter and the apostle St. Paul and his disciples, Bishops and followers, were the first Jews to truthfully and authentically fulfill the vocation of the chosen people by becoming the first Catholic Christians, the Body of Christ in time.

The Apocalypse, on the other hand, is a historical - mysteriously at times - incomprehensibly symbolical - becoming clear only as its prophetic nature is fulfilled in time, in the history of the church and in the world. Nero and the Roman Emperors, determined to wipe out Christianity, were types of the Anti-Christ, so that even in Church history there are types and their anti-types or fulfillments. Just as the martyrs of the first three centuries will be fulfilled in prophecy as the Church is brought to an apparent extinction and buried in the tomb with Christ as the 14th station of the cross heralds the Restoration of the Church as typified by Constantine resurrecting the Church from the catabombs. Also, unlike historical, temporal-chronological order, the Apocalypse presents things and events all at once, as seen from eternity, as God sees them. Thus, the seven churches are not presented in a chronological - but in an a-temporal order, as representing the Church as manifesting such typical characteristics at different times or at some time or other in history.

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