"The true Church cannot be a new Church. It will never shy away away from its past. It will always grow from the root of what has grown before.."
"It only takes one mortal sin to get one into hell.."
"Rather than being shy of our Faith and conforming it to the world, (as EWTN seems in the process of doing with its imitations), we need to showcase it and its unique ability to solve the world's problems. Nowhere is this more evident at the present time, than in the field of cosmology, Page 39.
I hasten to qualify that my designation of that "one mortal sin" intends no personal judgments, but rather speaks from within the tradition that Garrick Small so beautifully describes in his penultimate paragraph. If Pope Benedict were true to the entire "worldview" of St. Bonaventure, he would find the meeting point, the common ground between St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas - the Franciscans and the Dominicans, in the one mortal sin, which they both most clearly avoided and that is the mortal sin for which Galileo was vehemently suspected (of heresy): the denial of the inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility of the God-dictated (see Prov.Deus) Holy Scriptures on the subject of the World's Earth-centered structure. (See R. Sungenis, Galileo Was Wrong, The Church Was Right).
In the hierarchy of the sciences - reflecting the hierarchy of being, of reality - cosmology is a higher science than politics or economics. In fact, Aristotle, followed by all the scholastics, including St. Bonaventure, agreed that political economy is not a science at all, containing no certitudes in itself or a priori absolutes, but rather an art - the art of the possible or what works best for the common good, all of which the art relates to and so is relative, rather than absolute. Those sciences are highest that come closest to manifesting the higher metaphysical principles -- and the highest, the transcendent principles of divine Catholic Faith which are supernatural and necessary for salvation, at least in some degree. (See St. Thomas, DeVeritate, quoted on p.10 of this writer's book of Conversations with the Followers of Father Feeney, the Chapter on Invincible Ignorance.)
I must only correct Mr. Garrick Small's assessment of the time it has taken the New Church to come to full power. Five hundred years is a much more accurate number than the mere fifty that Mr. Small proposes. The date for the beginning is not the French or English Enlightenment, but the rejection of Holy Scripture as providing the guiding lights for all human thinking. Our entire intellectual tradition is rooted in the Scriptures, from the Hexaemera of St. Basil and St. Augustine to the political treatises of Gerson and Nicholas of Cusa, though he veered off into heresy. The history of modernism has yet to be written, but Sungenis, in his monumental two volume work, has the best beginning. Supplement it with Gilson's History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, the last chapters with what was going on in the 14th century at Oxford with John Duns Scotus, John Buridan and the Anti-Aristotelian emperical schools of thought, plus the very anti-Catholic Baconian Utopia of Atlantis, (and others equally anti-Catholic) and the Cartesian split in epistemology - all of these anti-Catholic, anti-scholastic movements converged in the 17th century "Renaissance" and grew until the masons could conveniently use their Kantian and modernist Darwinian results to capture the Vatican and base their entire motivation for calling a pastoral council on an evolutionary worldview: "change or die!" This is abundantly proven by the collection of quotations and their analysis by Atila Guimaeres, published by Tradition in Action in many volumes. What a resource this is!
Our entire intellectual tradition has been subverted and replaced by an evolutionary - Hegelian worldview compatible with the Big Bang cosmology of Jesuit physicist Father Robert Spitzer. But is this false cosmology compatible with the intellectual tradition of the one true Church? Is this "synthesis of all heresies" with which it fits, capable of solving all the world's problems? Perhaps this cosmology, as radically contrasting with that tradtional one - built on a literal Six-Day Creation Week, is able to solve all the world's problems. I maintain it cannot. Cosmology is too important a science and a false cosmology will not fit in with the sythesis of truth that is the deposit of faith.
Catholics, especially those engaged in the sciences, as of physics and chemistry, are faced with a crucial choice: A big bang cosmology, even though it requires a beginning, or a geocentric cosmology with its beginning clearly outlined in the Divine Revelation of the first chapter of Genesis. We cannot settle for bits and pieces of the synthesis of truth. All things are intrinsically related in the hierarchy. See the 4th way of St. Thomas's 5 ways for demonstrating God's existence. The 4th way is based in the intrinsic inequality of things.
But evolutionary science (which is false) - is attempting to make all things equal. This is a vain attempt to change reality. Obviously, it will not work! But it seems we are doomed to learn only the hard way - and many souls will be lost that might otherwise be saved.
Kyrie, Eleison!
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