I prefer to call him by his first name, Lucifer, so it is "Lucifer's Secret Weapon", but the alliteration is appealing to a literary person. Lucifer's secret weapon is not secret at all - except as a weapon for killing souls by way of the perversion of the intellect as soon as children come to "school" at about the age of four and on. The weapon is not secret at all - except as a weapon for evil. It is seen as the true story of humankind and our origins. It is all false! This is the ultimate triumph of Lucifer: successfully to use evil that people think is really good and true - to tell lies that people believe are true. This is what St. Paul says of this "operation of error" - that people will "believe lying."
So the weapon is secret only because it is not seen for what it really is: an evil - and lying instead of truth! For example:
There is the great myth of Pre-Historic life. History means the life of creatures on earth as recorded by witnesses or those who can remember the significant events. This is precisely what we have recorded in the first book and first chapters of Genesis. There is no such thing as history before history or time before time. Pre-history is a lie. There was no pre-history. Pictures depicting life on earth in "pre-historic times" are purely fictional. They are science fiction and must be exposed as such - they are purely imaginary!
The very first Days of the Earth were quite different. The wonderful truth is that God has revealed a great deal about this earliest of historic times. He has revealed to us exactly what and how He created all things in a series of a-temporal Creative Acts on each of the Six Days of the First Week of the World. It is human reason that protests the Days of Genesis One - must have been much longer than a 24 hour day bounded by an evening and a morning. As St. Thomas frequently replies to such objections: "The authority of scripture is sufficient." When we consider that the Action of God is not bound by temporal processes but completely transcends time, the objections of human reasoning are quieted - because it sees that God's Act of creation issues in a temporal effect - a form that begins to function in time - according to its substantial nature as cosmos, plant, animal or human being.
I mention cosmos first because I believe that on Day One of Creation Week, God brought into existence - ex nihilo and in toto - the entire spherical cosmic Body of the Universe. All that it lacked were the Distinctions of Day Two and the Adornments of the other Six Days. These are terms the earliest Fathers and Medieval Doctors - including St. Thomas used when speaking of these Six Days. St Thomas even goes on to say that Day Two corresponds to Day Five in the distribution of the Waters -- Day One with Day Four because of the light and so on. These are purely literary distinctions. (ST, I, Q.71, 72)
So the weapon is secret only because it is not seen for what it really is: an evil - and lying instead of truth! For example:
There is the great myth of Pre-Historic life. History means the life of creatures on earth as recorded by witnesses or those who can remember the significant events. This is precisely what we have recorded in the first book and first chapters of Genesis. There is no such thing as history before history or time before time. Pre-history is a lie. There was no pre-history. Pictures depicting life on earth in "pre-historic times" are purely fictional. They are science fiction and must be exposed as such - they are purely imaginary!
The very first Days of the Earth were quite different. The wonderful truth is that God has revealed a great deal about this earliest of historic times. He has revealed to us exactly what and how He created all things in a series of a-temporal Creative Acts on each of the Six Days of the First Week of the World. It is human reason that protests the Days of Genesis One - must have been much longer than a 24 hour day bounded by an evening and a morning. As St. Thomas frequently replies to such objections: "The authority of scripture is sufficient." When we consider that the Action of God is not bound by temporal processes but completely transcends time, the objections of human reasoning are quieted - because it sees that God's Act of creation issues in a temporal effect - a form that begins to function in time - according to its substantial nature as cosmos, plant, animal or human being.
I mention cosmos first because I believe that on Day One of Creation Week, God brought into existence - ex nihilo and in toto - the entire spherical cosmic Body of the Universe. All that it lacked were the Distinctions of Day Two and the Adornments of the other Six Days. These are terms the earliest Fathers and Medieval Doctors - including St. Thomas used when speaking of these Six Days. St Thomas even goes on to say that Day Two corresponds to Day Five in the distribution of the Waters -- Day One with Day Four because of the light and so on. These are purely literary distinctions. (ST, I, Q.71, 72)
What is necessary today, I submit, is to meditate prayerfully on Genesis One and see God's transcendent Acts as issuing in the created Forms of the Cosmos and its inhabitants. I made a beginning of this attempt in my Litany of the Creator. I have tried to develop and expand with clarifications what I began in the litany. I am still very much compelled, somehow, to make reparation to God for the terrible mockery that the evolutionary worldview makes of His Creation. Think of the implications for the Incarnation!! The evolutionary worldview makes a blasphemous parody of the main truths of our Faith - as they are based in Holy Scripture. The most powerfully effective use of this secret weapon is manifested, I respectfully submit, by a fine scholar such as John Lane who writes for the paper - The Four Marks. John Lane makes, in my opinion, the perfect case for sedevacantism. The most amazing fact about it is that he makes this air-tight case for sedevacantism, without ever mentioning, beyond the general concept of Modernism, the specific heresy which makes Benedict the XVI a heretic!
I suspect that this omission is successful because most Catholics, even the most unlearned, have at least an inkling of at least one of the heresies for which the term modernism stands. This can happen because, after all, modernism is the synthesis of all heresies, as Pope St. Pius X named it in Pascendi. And I submit, also, that much of the current confusion regarding modernism, is due to the fact that more than one theologian and prelate of the church has openly accepted and taught one or more of the tenets of modernism. Perhaps one can see the first crack in the dike or the first sign of a real weakness of faith in the dogmatic truth that Holy Scripture is verbally inerrant and that the literal sense is the basis of all other senses, when Pope Benedict XIV in the 1740's and 1750's, allowed the Copernican hypothesis to be taught, though yet as a hypothesis. Much is to be said for and against such a permission, and the consequences are not in favor of the Pope's liberalism.
By the 1830's, Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman, basing his "Lectures on Science", given in Rome, on the rising science of geology openly accepted and taught the "Gap Theory" which allowed for the long ages and eons of cosmic and earth history, thus abandoning the literal Six Days of Genesis One. The Cardinal's lectures were accepted without any adverse comment that I was able to find in my study of his work. By the 1920's, we find another Cardinal of the Church, Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, strongly protesting the thesis of human evolution, but allowing for the long ages supposedly required by the science of geology. The literature on these developments and the lack of a total and reasoned resistance to cosmic evolutionism is abundant. The reader may consult my earlier writings on Cardinal Wiseman and especially on Father John Zahm of Notre Dame's Canonized Heresies.
All such failures of the theologians of the Church to see where it all was leading, belong, of course, to the history of Modernism - a history that has yet to be written, if one is looking for such a history that recognizes the essential part played by men, such as the Comte de Buffon, Erasmus Darwin, Jean Lemarck, and many others, in forming the worldview that now dominates global society.
And so, when John Lane, in all of his excellent and admirably, scholarly work in defining Sedevacantism, fails to mention the essential and specific roles played by the sciences of astronomy, geology and biology in the "synthesis of all heresies" we term Modernism, as Benedict XVI's special heresy, perhaps there is some excuse for the omission. I, for one, find the specific heresy affecting the Papacy today to be a sort of Teilhardian Hegelianism, or perhaps a Hegelian historianism stretched to the cosmic limits as in the pseudo-mysticism of the French Jesuit.
In any case, we are definitely at the mercy of a ruthless philosophy of becoming. Such a philosophy, when seen in its physical manifestations, especially in the political and economic spheres, is more properly termed an ideology than a philosophy. This is really because, in the concensus of history, there is but one philosophy, the perennial philosophy of Being that finds its origin in Aristotle and its incorporation into Catholic Theology by St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's preferred theologian and Angelic Doctor.
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