One finds many treasures in the Dumpsters, - treasures such as aborted baby-parts, silken pyxes or pixes and old books, out of print. This story is of the latter category, though it never was in print.
Once upon a time, specifically in the very first instant of time itself, very early in the Morning of Day One, as if a Door had opened from the Eternal Day, the most gracious God, so good and so loving in Himself - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, - most freely, with no need whatsoever, - spoke into existence, humanly innumerable - but of a number known to Him alone, the Nine Choirs of Angels. Such a magnificent hierarchy of three glorious orders -- each angel a species in himself, and at the same instant of time there appeared, ex nihilo and in toto of all their numbers, finite but appearing virtually infinite, mirror images of the angels, all the atomic elements - in number, measure and weight, the PRIME MATTER of the hierarchical FORM of the Body of the Universe, corresponding to the highest spheres of Seraphim, with the fiery spheres - the spheres of Powers and Principalities surrounding the central - fixed Earth and the Obediential Orders of Earth and Water before their distinction on Day Two.
The elemental electrons of Light - (photons) - by a special relationship of likeness (analogy) to the Three Persons of the most awesome and august Trinity, are at home, as it were, in all of the innumerable but finite number of the Orders of the Elements, belonging to material being and form, wherever it exists, as reflecting the quality of lightsomeness in all the spheres of the Body of the Universe - as they rotate in their created periods around the Central Earth. But then came the War in Heaven, and Hell was created for all of those rebellious angels and their chieftain in Pride and Perversity, - Lucifer. But here is a wonder! While Heaven is a most pure empyrean of Light -- Hell is a black hole of matter-form transubstantiated from Light into Darkness - emitting only more Darkness and the perversity of Hate for all creation.
Deceit and hatred are the special qualities of each one of the substantial forms of the rebellious angels who followed the Dark Form of Lucifer - who fell from being the most brilliant of the angelic sons of God to being the most foul and loathsome Prince of Evil -- Lord of all those fallen spirits now known to learned men as demons, devils and - note well - as elves, gnomes, trolls, goblins - and fairies. The famous Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm and other compilers and literary luminaries, are stories of the earthly antics, often parodies of Our Divine Lord's own gospel parables. Do you not sense the mockery, the irony, the hidden deceit in all of the promises and attainments of earthly happiness.
So the war in Heaven continues and intensifies - even as it has extended geographically and especially geopolitically as time draws near its final era. The lines of battle were first drawn by God Himself - not very long after Day Six of the First Week of the World and the First Day of Rest and Worship. The battle lines were spoken by God and recorded in Genesis 3:15, wherein there were established the eternal ----enmities between thee - the Serpent and the Woman and thy seed and Her Seed. She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for Her Heel. (Gen. 3:15). That most infamous, wicked, malicious and evil head has been exposed many times - especially during the last two centuries - as the "Judaeo-Masonic Conspiracy." It has been repeatedly condemned - most recently by Pope Leo XIII in Humanum Genus and by eminent prelate-theologians such as Msgr. George Dillon and Father Denis Fahey - to their eternal honor. But they failed on one crucial point - the rise of the empirical sciences, especially with the Galileo case ending in 1633 and in the compromising permissions of Pope Benedict XIV in the 1700's. The Inquisition under Pope Urban VIII rightly and truly condemned Copernicanism -- the earth orbiting the sun - as formal heresy and the diurnal motion of earth as erroneous in Faith. At issue was the verbal accuracy and inspired veracity of the Sacred Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God.
Well, there begins a very long story, told in brief many times in this writer's efforts at defense of Holy Mother Church and Her Mission as Guardian and Teacher of the Truth. This present story, promised to be brief, and from the depths of the Dogmatic Dumpster, merely emphasizes that our present woes began, not with the late 18th century Enlightenment, although that boast is obviously Luciferian in origin - but with the attempt of Galileo to replace the authority of Holy Scripture with the fallible words of an empirical science. Now that is, indeed, a long story, briefly told many times by this present writer and now, since 2005 (or thereabouts), fully and masterfully exposed most thoroughly from the empirical and magisterial aspects, by Dr. Robert A. Sungenis and Dr. Robert Bennett in their monumental (2) volume work, GALILEO WAS WRONG, THE CHURCH WAS RIGHT. I must also mention the, as yet, unpublished work by lay scholar Redmond O'Hanlon - entitled: THE EARTHMOVERS, (see internet). O'Hanlon's work is most noteworthy for exposing those hidden connections with occult forces emanating from the Judaeo-Masonic forces ever at work to destroy the Church since their first success in the Garden of Eden. Even then, it may fairly be said, that Lucifer aped God in his infernal plan to upset God's entire Creation by lies about God's Word, by lies about the consequences of sin, promising earthly happiness and success (monetary), and finally by lies about the natural order of things and how creatures came to be - the Great all-encompassing LIE of evolution.
Historically, it may be said to have begun in that Great Watershed - the Renaissance where the seeds, both of the doom and the salvation of mankind were sown - in the interpretation of Holy Scripture - in the rise of the empirical sciences, and in the gradual perversion of the natural order, - commonly discussed as "the Culture." And that is the long and the short of it. Let me close this short story on a note of great cheer!
We have at hand a complete Catholic Cosmology, all drawn from our specifically Catholic Tradition, (i.e., Aristotelian-Thomistic Science) - all the elements of this new-old cosmology, in combination with the discoveries and demonstrable evidences of physics, chemistry and the earth sciences - especially the Flood Geology and Earth-Universe Age studies of the Protestant Creationists. There is at hand NOW...the perfect replacement of the heretical evolutionary Modernism with a truly Catholic Cosmology. This Catholic Cosmology also has the power - the power of Grace and Truth - to heal the cancerous diseases of the culture....if only Catholic philosophers, theologians and scientists will seize the opportunity and build upon it.
Kyrie, eleison!
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