Monday, June 3, 2013

The Angelic Hierarchy also stretches from earth to heaven, the tenth sphere or Empyrean, as its choirs perform their appointed tasks as guardians of human souls, of towns, cities, countries and continents, as well as of seas and other significant places varying according to the historical era or event.

            Then there are the very special appointments of those angels who keep all the celestial bodies in their proper places and movements.  When the universe is envisioned in this was, as one tremendous place or body wherein all the parts function under the direction of the one substantial form that is the universe and in which all the parts and their constituent elements are inherent accidental forms, the metaphysical principles ensuring the most  marvelously cohesice unity is seen to be very plain and almost self-evident.

            Earth is very special as being the place for the only other corporeal substantial forms given existence in the order of creation, during the first six days of the world.

            The angelic hosts resemble mankind or human nature in that each angel shares the purely spiritual angelic—rational nature of intellect and will.  But since the angel has no physical matter to individuate it, each angel is equivalent to a specific substantial form; whereas, we humans have physical matter to distinguish us as individuals, plus individual differences that extend even to our individual chemistry and atomic shapes!

            It has been said that the potency, the material possibilities just for different combinations of amino acids, is virtually infinite.  It is in these kinds of ways that God’s own infinite nature is reflected in His creation.  However, there cannot be two infinites.  Our universe remains a finite being for all its virtually infinite possibility. This is what the prime matter of the form of the universe is.  Remember, the created universe is a holomorphic being consisting of act and potency, matter and form, with substances and accidents.  The matter of the universe is prime and finite, but seems to us humans, viewing the marvelous diversity of creatures, to be virtually infinite.

            I often see pictures (as on EWTN) of Our Lord holding a large globe in His hand.  It is often surmounted by a cross.  That globe is not the Earth. The globe is the universe.  The universe was the first substantial form, created on day one, when the Holy Spirit tells us that “In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.”

            The Greek word is cosmos, and thanks to reviewer Robert J. Rolfes, Jr., writing in the New Oxford Review (May, 2013, pp.46-48), we are warned of the very ominous Russian cosmists gaining influence carrying the occult “New Age” aspects of evolutionism to new and horrific depths.  Kyrie, eleison!

            Please note that technological progress does not proceed by evolutionary processes as described by that ideology’s professors.  Evolutionary “progress” moves by the fictional choices of the equally functional “god” of evolution, “natural selection.”  Technology, on the other hand, proceeds by the real discoveries of real and really intelligent choices by real scientists.  For example, using the extreme versatility of atomic structures, scientists can make (not create, but make) molecules and artificial materials such as plastics that possess qualities that the natural molecules do not have.  This is technological “progress” and is happening all the time in all the fields of science, but especially in physics and chemistry when artificial products are manufactured.

            In fact, one of the great evils of this modern technology is that all the sciences have apparently no other goal in the minds of the scientists than to be put to some practical use.  This is in direct opposition to the original goal of all science, as practiced by the Greeks, Romans and medieval, which was wisdom, the contemplation of Truth.  This is why there was no noteworthy advance in technology by the ancient and medieval worlds.  They correctly preferred the goal and purpose of wisdom.

            The Introit for Pentecost Sunday quotes the seventh verse of the first chapter of the Book of Wisdom: “The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the Voice.”  I suggest that this hoc quore continent Omnia is the Body of the universe or cosmos, as described in our Catholic cosmology.

            This is an object worthy, I think, of meditation and contemplation, but of no practical or technological use that I can see . . . .

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