Dom Gueranger relates a story of St. Peter Martyr of Alexandria (Nov.26), who was the first to cut off from the communion of the faithful, Arius, deacon of Alexandria, for favoring the schism of the Miletians. (This is the same Arius who denied the Divinity of Christ and was condemned by the Council of Nicaea in 325.)
When Bishop Peter had been condemned to death by Maximian and confined to prison, two priests came to intercede for Arius. Bishop Peter told them that during the night, Jesus had appeared to him with His garment torn. Upon asking Him the cause, Jesus replied: "Arius has rent My garment which is the Church." He then forbade the successors of Bishop Peter ever to receive Arius to communion, for he was dead to God.
Today, heresy, schism and scandal have not only torn Our Lord's garment, but have stripped Him, are scourging His Sacred Body and crowning Him with the most cruel thorns of infidelity. Soon He will be nailed to the cross of general apostasy and die mystically in His Body the Church.
Far more than any external enemies, there are the factions within the Church that by their internecine conflicts, rend and wound the Body of Christ. Their bitter zeal on the one hand, and a complacent embrace of error on the other, poison the springs of divine grace.
The most conspicuous of these warring factions are: The liberals strive to conform the Church to a secular humanist mentality with scant heed to traditional discipline, morality and doctrine. Secondly, the neo-conservatives slavishly adhere to conciliar directives concerning ecumenism and religious liberty on the basis of "development of doctrine." Thirdly, the followers of Fr. Leonard Feeney, SJ., vehemently proclaim the most rigorous and exclusivist interpretation of the dogma, "No salvation outside the Church" - adamantly refusing to recognize the traditional doctrine of possible salvation by non-sacramental baptism of desire and of blood. Lastly, the sedevecantists maliciously attack all other traditionalists who insist that only a Council and/or a Pope is able to declare the Chair of Peter to be vacant, however blatant and widespread the heresies emanating from it may be.
Because each of these factions, as well as the Church in general, is focused on a particular agenda, there is allowed to flourish and grow in strength, simply by reason of being ignored, the great Master-Heresy of Evolution. Never before in the history of the Church, has a major heresy been so complacently allowed to spread and go on un-exposed and un-condemned, even being tolerated and most often embraced by theologians at all levels. It should be noted, however, that even though the theory of transformation of kinds or macro-evolution is false, and so proven false by theology, philosophy and empirical science, and even though the discoveries of the secrets of nature that bring about the marvels of technology are true properties of natural beings, it is the same spirit of practical atheism that inspires both the false theory, now even proclaimed to be a law, and the applications of real discoveries by technology.
It is the evolutionary world-view that informs, that drives as motivating force all the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and its documents. (Cf. Pascendi.) And yet, all traditionalists refuse to admit this fact and fear to expose its evil, because, I can only suppose, of the awe that modern science inspires. Has it not become a veritable idol, upon which we depend to save us from all ills and supply all our needs? Catholics, have therefore become willing or unwilling, knowing or unknowing victims of a doubly-evil science "falsely so-called" (I Timothy 6:10). However, the major complicitor in all this is the Society of St. Pius the X, because this Society is the most highly organized, the most influential, and the most widespread of all traditionalist groups.
I suggest that the main purpose of this Society is not so much to protect, preserve and preach the truths of our divine Catholic Faith, as it is to gain power with Rome. The main goal of the Society is to force Rome to lift all previous censures from Archbishop Lefebvre and his four bishops and to allow free celebration of the Tridentine Mass. The Society is openly committed to fighting false ecumenism (religious indifferentism) and heretical religious liberty ("error has no rights"), but there is no place in its agenda for exposing and refuting the Master-Heresy of Modernism, which the 1907 Encyclical "Pascendi" of Pope St. Pius the X described as the synthesis of all heresies, the principal doctrine of which is evolution.
I suggest and even dare boldly to maintain that traditionalists who refuse or otherwise fail to expose the lie of macro-evolution or the "development of doctrine" as taught by the Modernists described in "Pascendi" - or who fail to protest the destructive effects of evolutionism on the authority and inerrancy of Holy Scripture, especially as regards the Six Days of Creation, the geocentric structure of the universe, and the universality of the Deluge, responsible for laying down the fossil record -- and those traditionalists who turn a blind eye to the devastating effects of evolutionism on the traditional faith and fail to expose such a public and prominent heresy, are complicit in the apostasy of our time. They are very much a part of the problem. They are certainly not part of the solution. By their complicity they greatly hinder the exposure of the root cause of our present crisis of Faith and greatly contribute to its continuation with the loss of divine Catholic faith in souls.

Most traditionalist Catholics feel secure in the fact that they have ready access to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine-Roman rite. Daily they are exposed to all the deadly influences of our secular society, the world-view of which is decidedly and aggressively evolutionary. And yet, the Pope and the Bishops refuse to condemn such a manifest heresy that attacks Holy Scripture and our Catholic faith at every major point!
Psalm 10 laments: "When the foundations are thrown down, what can the just man do?" Therefore, it is certain that all our attempts and all our plans for remedying the situation are but ineffectual human strivings in the face of a divinely willed/permitted trial with a divinely planned solution of which we can have only the faintest conception. As Our Lady said at Fatima, "Only I can help you!" God has given it to Her to usher in the restoration of the Church and the Age of Mary. Meanwhile, God certainly does not want us to remain passive in the face of major heresies that go unrecognized as such by all and sundry. The Church remains militant as long as She is on earth. Triumphant rest is for Heaven! While in the last analysis, it is the mystery of faith that must confront the mystery of iniquity. It must be an integral faith that confronts Lucifer, - a faith that includes all the traditional supports of natural reason with a supernatural faith in the historical veracity of Holy Scripture. Can any traditionalist Catholic imagine the Church without Scripture? And yet, that is precisely the position of most liberals and the position they wish for all the rest of us!
I believe most traditionalists are painfully ignorant of many basic truths, especially those concerning the natural preambles of faith and the supernatural inerrancy of Scripture, not to mention its miraculous, that is, divinely inspired interlacing of all past, present and future truths. The predominant liberal views on these crucial subjects represent an heretical fusion of natural reason with an utterly false evolutionary "science" and an historicist view of Holy Scripture that reduces Divine Revelation to a merely human document with a "theological meaning" for "salvation history". Excellent examples of both of these non-Catholic ways of thinking can be found in the Dec.18-26, 2005, issue of the Jesuit weekly magazine - America: "Biologist and Believer", Andrew Szebenji, S.J. and the review of "How to Read the Bible" by Steven McKenzie, S.J., reviewed by John C. Endres, S.J.
Only by realizing the predominance of such liberal thinking in the Church at large, can the traditionalist Catholic understand the entrenched extent and depth and Luciferian craft of the Great Apostasy that has invaded the highest places in the Church. It is so much greater in extent and in importance than questions of the latest episcopal scandal or whether or not the conciliar popes are legitimate popes. For, in any case, the Mystery of Iniquity as an evolutionary-dialectical theology, ruling Catholics today, is a far greater threat to divine faith than any other issue and will certainly prevail over those who have already lost or greatly weakened their faith by becoming pre-occupied with much lesser evils. We know for certain that evil and error cannot triumph over the infinite Goodness, Mercy and Truth of Almighty God and His divine Mother Mary, working as They always have, through the divinely instituted authority of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, against which the gates of Hell will not finally prevail.
Meanwhile, what but the world, the flesh and the devil hinder traditionalist Catholics from uniting to fight the Major-heresy of Evolution, now reaching monstrous proportions, and threatening if not themselves, certainly their children? Please pray about it.